2008年8月14日 星期四

OnlY- ON a Diet

I am on a diet !!!!!

my god !!~~~ I am so hungry !!!

I have stopped to eat anything after 4 oclock!!!! (((( Actually I STILL eat A little bit FOOD ,,,ONLY a little bit

My friend -----Shan x2 she has successfully lost 2 kg after 2 weeks !! I am so envy her !!!

erm....I HOPE I CAN LOST AOUBT 5 KG from now but I think it is diificult for me !!!

BECAUSE I LOVE FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My god...... the test is coming and I am still not ready for it!!!!

What can I to ???? ><"????

pray for god ????? NO NO NO~!!!!!

I will hope all the exam papers are stolen by somone and then the poor teachers have to set it again ~!!!! HA HA HA ~~!!! IT JUST A DREAM~!! I KNOW IT WILL NOT COME TRUE!!!

STUDY study STUDY ~!! SO irrating........

I have to do well in this prelim !! IT is very important for me.....
I cannot imagine IF I failed it !!!!!!!!!!
NOW I have to believe in myself !!!!!
I have to do it and make sure I well do it pretty well!!!!!
